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What is the Space Element

What is the Space Element

The space element is the fifth of the natural elements that exist in the human body. Earth, fire, water, air and space make up the five natural elements. When these elements are balanced and activated, health and well-being is strong and good. An imbalance in these elements leads to illnesses and disorders of the mind and body. 

Understanding the Space Element 

The space element is also known as Ether and Akasha (in Sanskrit). The space element is what makes everything possible. It makes movement and life possible. Ether exists without the stability or firmness of earth, the coolness of water, the heat of fire and even the movement of wind. That is why it is known for being nothing yet everything. It is the subtle essence and core of emptiness. Think of how there is space in your stomach before a meal or space in the lungs just before air fills in. 

The space element was referred to as ‘quintessence’ by medieval alchemists, who were fascinated by the ether element. The ancient Greeks defined the ether element as ‘god-like’ and as one that allowed humans to connect to spirituality and intuition. 

Reconnecting to the Space Element 

Sensory practices and various yoga techniques are a way to activate and connect with the space element. They help us keep the elements balanced and in harmony with the rest of our system. 

Sensory practices to connect with the Space Element 

The sense of touch for the space element can be activated with practices like being aware of the qualities in the body such as warmth, coolness, heaviness, lightness, movement and stillness. A body-scan meditation can help achieve this. Bringing the focus to the space around the body, noticing the temperature of the air, the sounds around you and the light in the room. This brings about a sense of connection to the world around you and helps relieve the mind of stress and constant chatter. 

Bitter tastes are linked to the space element. This is because of its cleansing effect and ability to create space in the body. ‘Ama’ or toxins can be removed from the body, cleansing the digestive system and gut. Excessive elements such as increased heat (fire element), reducing water retention, and purifying the blood can take place. It also supports liver health, which itself helps remove excess impurities. More bitter foods such as chicory, chard and dandelion, dill, fenugreek, turmeric and cumin seeds are helpful. 

Space is the element that allows light to travel. For the sense of sight, incorporating sunlight into your everyday life is helpful. It has numerous health benefits, from improving immunity to bone strength, and longevity. Sunlight is important for absorbing vitamin D and thus regulating our moods. Sunlight also aids digestion, improves sleep and makes us feel more fresh. Going outside for a walk during the early part of the day (before 10 am) is the best. This will ‘wake up’ the cells in our body. 

Sage is an impactful herb that triggers the sense of smell and activates the space element. It refreshes and re-energizes the space around you, removes stagnant energy and is anti-inflammatory in nature. It is also antibacterial and helps remove blockages, energizing our own bodies. 

Raising your vibration allows you to connect with the sense of sound and balance the space element. When we feel our frequency is ‘out of tune’ we might experience low mood, anxiety and stress. This can happen due to toxic relationships, too much time indoors, unhealthy food, etc. Reflecting upon things that raise your vibration and spending time on things you are passionate about like the outdoors, nature, cooking, dancing and more can help. 

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Yoga practices for the Space Element 

The Throat Chakra

The space element is linked to the Vishuddha Chakra or Throat Chakra, located at the base of the throat along with the larynx or voice box. It is linked to our ability to speak, to be heard and to listen intently. It is the place of self-expression, honesty and openness. It is also a place where energy gets blocked which curbs our ability to speak openly and freely. These blockages can make us shy, reserved or introverts and result in the fear of public speaking. Expressing emotions to friends and family, singing, chanting, and taking care of your throat are helpful practices. 

Yoga Poses for the Space Element

All yoga poses that work on the Throat Chakra are also helpful for the space element. A few examples include the Fish Pose, Camel Pose, Standing Wide-Legged Forward Bend, Goddess Pose, Plow Pose and Shoulder Stand. Sitting in the right posture with the neck straight is also beneficial. Neck rotations and practices to relieve stiffness from the neck also help. 


Pranayama for the Space Element

Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath helps calm the nervous system, activates the parasympathetic nervous system and the rest and digest response. It raises the vibrations and creates a sense of harmony in the mind and body. The vibrations also positively impact the throat and vagus nerve, and it also resonates with the sinus cavities in the head where space exists. 

Mantras and meditation for the space element

The Beej mantra for the Throat Chakra is HAM, which is also impactful for the space element. Meditation on the mantra HAM will also raise vibration and create a sense of peace and calm. Apart from this, body-scan meditation, and guided relaxation, Yoga Nidra, are helpful practices. Doing these practices outdoors or under the early morning sun makes them more impactful and beneficial. 

Final thoughts 

Without space, nothing can exist. Be aware of the space within you and around you. Also being mindful of what you want to hold onto and get rid of is helpful. This applies to materialistic things as well as emotions, thoughts, ideas and relationships. Removing that which does not serve you will make space for the new.

What is the Space Element
Shvasa Editorial Team

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What is the Space Element

What is the Space Element

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